About Auriga Astronomy
All About Auriga Astronomy. here you can read all about Auriga astronomy, the UK’s No1 Mobile planetarium and Astronomy Education service. once you have read all about auriga astronomy, you will know you are in the right place to book with confidence. All about Auriga Astronomy give you the opportunity to learn more about us. All about Astronomy is a short introduction into who we are and why we should be your perfect choice. All about Auriga Astronomy is not our chance to boast about who we have met, rather All about auriga astronomy is for you to see we are 100% professional in ALL our activities.

Auriga Astronomy has been providing High Quality shows and presentations to Schools, Groups & Museums since 2001.
Dave Buttery our Owner/Presenter is highly skilled in giving presentation at the correct level for the audience from infants to College/University students and older! (we have given shows to ALL ages, not just school age). We have received awards for our SEND friendliness, Our Dome is an easy access one for both wheelchairs and for those on sticks and frames, and we have a our own unique method of signing for the deaf inside the dome in total darkness! as well as having subtitled shows available.
Dave has also represented the IAU (the World’s most prestigious International Astronomical Body) giving talks in the UAE. His skills are therefore internationally recognised. He works closely with both the Hubble Telescope and Nasa/JPL to ensure only the finest images and Videos are used in the movies he creates for both presentations and our YouTube channel.
Dave and Auriga Astronomy support the work of Astronomers without Borders which encourages international education of Astronomy in the 3rd world. Dave is also a regular STEM ambassador in the Midlands and Yorkshire, and has worked as a Judge on many occasions at Big Bang events.
Dave has given presentation to small groups and audiences of over 1000, so no matter what you require we can provide a presentation to suit your needs.
Auriga Astronomy was the First UK Mobile Planetarium to use Video in our presentations and the first to move to 1080p HD, we are the ONLY mobile to use ‘Huge Screen’ pseudo IMAX projections. And to our knowledge the ONLY Mobile to create ‘in house’ exclusive content!
We have translated our Planetarium shows (because we create our own 16:9 films this is not difficult, 360 ‘immersive’ shows cannot be made into a traditional format sadly) into a Spectacular Stage Show, with rear screen projection onto our 4m wide screen, Full AV systems and Fantastic lighting effects, dry ice, Lasers projecting stars onto the roof of your hall (no Strobes or Smoke) all make our stage shows something to remember. They are perfect for school fund raising and Fetes (they can be held outdoors in a marquee, something Planetarium domes cannot. We are the ONLY travelling UK Astronomy Stage Show!
We use a up to date modern (less than 5 years old) vehicles to visit you, to ensure we arrive on time. and most of our equipment is flight cased for ease of transportation. We also bring along some ‘POP UP’ Display banners to add to the ambience of the dome itself. If the room the dome is in can be darkened, we can bring along out fantastic lighting equipment to make the whole room a magical experience.
We have however travelled all over the world visiting Astronomy & Space facilities in order to foster links and improve our own knowledge.
You can BOOK US with Confidence, and be ASSURED of a great presentation to your audience!